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Full Stack Development | UIUX | Graphic Design

May 2022 - June 2022

Food Munch Responsive Website

Developed a responsive website for Food Store where users can see a list of food items, detailed information about a food item, offers

  • Designed page using following HTML structure elements like li, header, article, footer elements and different bootstrap components to show different sections in the website and different bootstrap classes for responsiveness through mobile-first approach.

  • Implemented product youtube videos by using bootstrap embed and model components

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap



Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

Emoji Game

Developed responsive Emoji memory game where users can win it by clicking unique emoji each time till all displayed emojis are clicked. All emojis positions will be randomized after each click

  • List of Emojis is displayed by using React components, props , lists, conditional rendering, styled using CSS and randomized emojis placed using event listeners by updating react state.

  • Updated different game states such as emojis list, winning state and losing state by using game state variable and conditional rendering.

Technologies used: React JS, CSS, Bootstrap



Nov 2022 - Dec 2022

IPL Dashboard

Implemented IPL Dashboard app where users can list of ipl team, individual team details and respective team matches info

  • Implemented UI such as home dashboard, individual team info routes by using React Router library components like Route, Switch, Link, props, lists & keys.

  • Fetched teams list from server asynchronously using fetch GET HTTP API call & individual team details, matches info by sending team id as path parameter.

  • Implemented 404 not found page for invalid paths by keeping 404 Route as last route in the Switch component with * path.

Technologies used: React JS, Routing, REST API Calls, CSS, Bootstrap



Dec 2022 - Feb 2023

Nxt Trendz ( ECommerce Clone - Amazon, Flipkart)

Implemented Nxt Trendz application which is a clone for ECommerce applications like Amazon, Flipkart where users can login and can see list of products with search, filters, sort by, etc..
- Implemented Different pages and routes for Login, Products, Product details using React Router components Route, Switch, Link, props, state, lists, event handlers, form inputs.
- Authenticating and authorizing users by taking username, password and doing login POST HTTP API Call and implementing filters by sending them as query parameters to product api calls.
- Persisted user login state by keeping jwt token in local storage, Sending it in headers of further api calls to authorize the user.
Technologies used: React JS, JS, CSS, Bootstrap, Routing, REST API Calls, Local Storage, JWT Token, Authorization, Authentication


Dec 2023 - Jan 2024

Akhanda Seva Samsthan website (Next.JS, Tailwind CSS)

I took on the responsibility of conceptualizing and developing a robust website for Akhanda Seva Samsthan, a notable non-governmental organization dedicated to societal betterment. The website serves as a dynamic platform, showcasing the NGO's blogs, impactful campaigns, mission statement, and upcoming events. With a user-friendly interface, the site integrates an events calendar, engaging galleries, and a comprehensive contact form to facilitate seamless communication. Notably, the incorporation of a secure donation payment gateway streamlines the process for online contributions. The technological stack includes Next.js for a responsive frontend, Web3Forms for efficient data handling, and spreadsheets as a lightweight database solution. The aesthetic appeal and modern design were achieved using Tailwind CSS. The website is hosted on Vercel, ensuring high availability and optimal performance. This project underscores my commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies for the benefit of non-profit organizations, contributing to their digital presence and impact in the community.


July 2022 - Aug 2022

Todos Dynamic Web Application

Developed persistent todo application with CRUD operations to track list of tasks

  • Displayed list of todos with HTML list elements, styled todo list using CSS, Bootstrap

  • Implemented todo crud operations by using JavaScript event listeners and updated UI dynamically by using JavaScript DOM operations.

  • Used Arrays, Objects and their methods during todolist CRUD Operations, Persisted todo list state on page reloads using local storage methods.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap



Blog List

Oct 2022 - Nov 2022


Developed simple blog list application where user can see list of blogs in user profile section

  • Implemented blog list using React component, props, lists & keys and achieved responsiveness using bootstrap flex classes and CSS box model through mobile-first approach.

  • Fetched blogs data from server asynchronously using fetch GET HTTP API call.

Technologies used: React JS, REST API Calls, CSS, Bootstrap


Dec 2022 - Jan 2023

Jobby App

Jobby App

Implemented Jobby App where users can log in and can see a list of jobs with search by Job title, filters based on Salary range and Employment type, etc

  • Implemented different pages like Login, Home, Jobs, Job item details using React components, props, state, lists, event handlers, form inputs.

  • Authenticating by taking username, password and doing login post HTTP API Call.

  • Persisted user login state by keeping jwt token in client storage, Sending it in headers of further API calls to authorize the user.

  • Implemented different routes for Login, Home, Jobs, Job item details pages by using React Router components Route, Switch, Link.

  • Implemented filters and search text by sending them as query parameters to jobs API calls.

  • Redirecting to the login page if the user tries to open Home, Jobs, Job item details routes which need authentication by implementing protected Route.

Technologies used: React JS, JS, CSS, Bootstrap, Routing, REST API Calls, Local Storage, JWT Token, Authorization, Authentication


Implemented Jobby App where users can log in and can see a list of jobs with search by Job title, filters based on Salary range and Employment type, etc

  • Implemented different pages like Login, Home, Jobs, Job item details using React components, props, state, lists, event handlers, form inputs.

  • Authenticating by taking username, password and doing login post HTTP API Call.

  • Persisted user login state by keeping jwt token in client storage, Sending it in headers of further API calls to authorize the user.

  • Implemented different routes for Login, Home, Jobs, Job item details pages by using React Router components Route, Switch, Link.

  • Implemented filters and search text by sending them as query parameters to jobs API calls.

  • Redirecting to the login page if the user tries to open Home, Jobs, Job item details routes which need authentication by implementing protected Route.

Technologies used: React JS, JS, CSS, Bootstrap, Routing, REST API Calls, Local Storage, JWT Token, Authorization, Authentication


Dec 2022 - Feb 2023

Nxt Watch

Implemented Nxt Watch application which is a clone for YouTube where users can log in and can see a list of videos like Trending, Gaming, Saved videos, and also can search videos and view specific video details, and users can toggle the theme (Light/Dark).
- Implemented Different pages like Login, Home, Trending, Gaming, Saved videos using React components, props, state, lists, event handlers, form inputs.
- Authenticating by taking username, password and doing login post HTTP API Call.
- Persisted user login state by keeping jwt token in local storage, Sending it in headers of further API calls to authorize the user.
- Implemented different routes for Login, Home, Trending, Gaming, Saved videos, Video item details pages by using React Router components Route, Switch, Link.
- Redirecting to the login page if the user tries to open Home, Trending, Gaming, Saved videos, Video item details routes which need authentication by implementing protected Route.
Technologies used: React JS, JS, CSS, Bootstrap, Routing, REST API Calls, Local Storage, JWT Token, Authorization, Authentication


Aug 2022 - Sept 2022

Typing Speed Test Dynamic Web Application

Developed an application which measuring time he took to complete given paragraph

  • Maintained timer by using APIs setTimeInterval, clearTimeInterval and Updated timer in the UI dynamically using JavaScript DOM operations for every 1 second.

  • Fetched the paragraph from server asynchronously using fetch GET HTTP API call and displayed it on UI by using JavaScript DOM Operations.

  • Displayed time that user took in the UI using JavaScript event listeners once user clicked on submit button, Did form validations for incomplete paragraph.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, REST API Calls, Bootstrap



Oct 2022 - Nov 2022

Cryptocurrency Tracker

Developed an cryptocurrency tracker application where user can see available crypto currencies and their market price

  • Implemented cryptocurrencies table using React components & bootstrap table classes and achieved responsiveness using bootstrap flex classes and CSS box model through mobile-first approach.

  • Fetched cryptocurrencies data from server asynchronously using fetch GET HTTP API call.

Technologies used: React JS, REST API Calls, CSS, Bootstrap





Dec 2022 - Feb 2023

Covid Dashboard (Capstone Project)

Implemented a responsive Covid Dashboard where users can see confirmed, active, recovered and deceased cases in India state wise. Users also can search by state and see state specific cases info with different types of graphs.
- Implemented different routes for features like home, state-specific details, and about by using React Router components Route, Switch, Link.
- Implemented graphs like a bar chart, line chart using React Third Party library Recharts to show different stats.
- Used Figma mockups to implement UI-rich and pixel-perfect React components.
- Explored open-source APIs for covid info and picked APIs for state-wise stats, timelines for graphs, faqs related to COVID.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, Recharts, Figma



Dec 2022 - April 2023


Smart Sales Management System to Grow your Business.

Engage, Manage and Close leads faster. Inleads, Smart Sales Management System helps you Track every Lead , Nurture every Customer and Grow your Business and Revenue. Inleads uses AI, to help automate most of the Sales Activities.


Unified Customer Database

Get all your contacts in one place, track leads and activities for each customer and nurture them from one single system.

Track Every Lead

Inleads helps you define your custom sales process. Understand what sells and improve your process overtime.


Automate repetitive tasks , agent management , commissions tracking in one go.


Our quest for better lead management ended up in creating one for ourselves, Inleads Smart Sales Management System, helped us in better managing our sales process, increasing and retaining our customer base and automating most our daily sales activities. InLeads is created for teams small and big. Get better in your sales, Try Inleads today.



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